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Bringing it back :)

16 Apr

Hey! So I just saw my pic when I was still like 12 years old. I look so weird, really :)) I laughed when I saw that.  And so this is it. My little cute cousin was sitting on my lap.. How cute 😀

It’s on my gallery 😀

Are you blind? Or I’m just invisible?

16 Apr

Most of us lack the good looks. Yeah, but all of us are good-looking =)

Haven’t you notice that all of sorts of people right now are wanting to befriend those who are really handsome or pretty. I mean why is it always like that? Why do handsome guys like pretty girls. Why can’t they like those girls who are not that pretty but they have the good attitude. I’m just wondering why is it like that. Though I’m acting like that too, I am feeling sorry for those who are broken-hearted just because they don’t look good that’s why they are being dumped. Beauty is not always the basis to finding the right person you’ll like.

Hey, so what now? I’m always talking about love. And like I’m feeling kinda crazy because of this love. I haven’t felt this kind of love before. Even though he leaves me for a long time, I get angry but I don’t want to lose him. I have a crush on him. I don’t know if he likes me too ( If he really likes me too) What am I doing?! 😦 I’m acting dumb again. I let him be busy with what he is doing and I keep on waiting for him. He’s sorta sweet and I go with the flow~ I think I’m just acting weird that’s why I’m always random. But this is not good.

How did we knew each other? It’s just a simple chat then it became a serious one. I don’t know. We laughed and then when the time came to say goodbye I just kept holding on. I didn’t want him to go and I asked him if…………. (just between us :P)


He’s not cute nor handsome. He’s just a plain guy but a genius one! He is kind and doesn’t want me to be sad. I’m always moved because he comforts me throughout the days~



We are bound to be together :)

16 Apr

What if we were destined to one another?

What if nothing will stop our relationship

What if you are really the one for me?

What if only…….

This is what fate is all about. We will never know what will happen if there weren’t any happenings. Every time the clock ticks and tocks I always wonder if you ever think of me. When the sun shines its light on me, there I see your face, the smiling one. Before, I saw your face on a very crowded place. I never knew that I would fall in love. Each day I live I want to see your face. It makes my day complete and I  feel happy seeing you walking along the street of our house. You never knew me but I know a lot about you. I wanted to be your friend but you seem so snobbish. I just want to be with you.

Life cannot be enjoyed without an inspiration and no one can live without love. Every human being needs to be loved. I wish every moment I think of you, YOU think of me too.  A love story that will never work out. How could I be this foolish to ask for your love that will never come to real life.

I’ll just wait for you because that’s the only thing I can do to be with you. Nothing will change my feelings for you because I loved, love, and will always love you. True love comes.

Fallen flowers will die. But there will always be another flower that will bloom for us 🙂

I know that we are really bound to be together 😀


What is love?

16 Apr

Love is when you care for the person you long to be with or for the person you are close to. Love is when you help those who need your help. Love is when you build strong relationship with others. But what if love is not like this? What would it be? It will only be pain to anybody. It lets the heart bleed continuously and break it into pieces ( felt it?) .

Undeniably, love for me is so tender and soft because it just caresses my heart. Nothing can be compared with love if you experience it. Nobody is unloved ’cause Jesus loves us all. But the love that I’m saying is the love felt when you are with someone you love. There’s the same feeling when you are being kissed or hug by that special someone you have. It tickles the heart that makes it beat faster and faster as you are being loved and loved even more by the person you love the most.

I LOVE YOU, a love that will last FOREVER

Words that make you fall in love even more.

Lovebirds– they tweet and then kiss one another. Like these lovebirds, human beings giggle first before they kiss their love ones. Oh! how sweet. Whenever they are close to each other they hold hands and then they’ll go to some place they want to spend their time together and have fun. How sweet life is.  How sweet love is.

When will you find true love?


No more heartaches/headaches

Because we all know that……

  • Earthquakes can’t shake us
  • Cyclones can’t break us
  • Hurricanes can’t take away our love

(got it from Charice’s song “PYRAMID”)

(I wrote this because I am loved)
